Monday, November 30, 2009

Our house

Our house was almost robbed. Two nights ago, I slept rather early because I was not feeling well. Then I was suddenly roused from stupor by a bang of something hitting the roof. It was unusually loud. Nothing was able to get me up from bed faster than that. I am such a heavy sleeper. The whole house could be awaken by the alarm, heck even the neighbors and even by an earthquake but not me. I was not sure what the sound was but i had a sneaking suspicion that i have to get up and turn on all the lights. I did just that and went down to take some medicine. I happened to turn on the tv then decided to watch a movie on HBO. I went back to bed after two hours only to be awoken by my mother asking me if there was by chance that I opened the cabinet of linens that was near the window. I said no. We later realized that someone seemed to have forcibly opened the window and even trying to get through. We put two and two together...These days, I feel as though, I am watching my back at all times. I have nothing to say really. I have no profound words because I do not want to verbalize just how much I feel and what I think at this point.

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